
Showing posts from November, 2023


  MOST IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT NIKOLA TESLA  1) Each day He continuously worked 84 hour without any rest in his lab. 2) He has photographic memory which helped visualized any new machines ides and its design, No need any kind of paper blue print of machines . 3)Solved calculus problem with in his mind . 4)Nikola tesla follows Uberman sleep cycle It is type of a polyphasic sleep cycle (like Leonardo da Vinci ). 5)He follow Celibacy life style as there entire whole life. 6)He is the father of alternating current (AC). 7) The current war(AC vs DC ) occurred between Nikola tesla and Thomas Alva Edison.  8)Nikola tesla avoids acid generated food Consume because which decreases the concentration power. 9)Nikola tesla told 369 is a universal number . 10)Every things around the earth is Combination of Three important things “Energy” ,”Frequency” ,”Vibration” .  


  WHITE NOISE AND ITS BENEFITS WHAT IS WHITE NOISE : White noise is a noise which having equals intensity at different frequency range. Basically white noise contain all kind of listening frequency between 20Hz- 20KHz.  Now the modern age this sound is very help full for our brins. BBENEFITS OF LISTENING WHITE NOISE :  It helps to change brains transient with in few second.  it played a very helpful roll for increase focus span.  it gives a better sleep experience if you listening this noise at bed time.   Sometimes after it gives thrust to memory which impact is increase memory retansion power  This noise listening works as a mindfulness meditation. Listening of this noise gives inner piece and decrees anxiety and stress levels. Disadvantage of listening white : If you playing white noise very high volume for long hour may cause damage hearing loss.  May disturb other if you used white noise machine .


  MOST IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT NIKOLA TESLA   1)  Each day He continuously worked 84 hour without any rest in his lab .   2)  He has photographic memory which helped visualized any new machines ides and its design, No need any kind of paper blue print of machines . 3)  Solved calculus problem with in his mind  .   4)  Nikola tesla follows Uberman sleep cycle It is type of a polyphasic sleep cycle (like Leonardo da Vinci ). 5)  He follow Celibacy life style as   there entire whole life.   6)  He is the father of alternating current (AC).   7)  The current war(AC vs DC )  occurred between Nikola tesla and  Thomas Alva Edison.   8) Nikola tesla avoids acid generated food Consume because which decreases the concentration power. 9)  Nikola tesla told 369 is a universal number .   10)  Every things around the   earth is Combination of t hree important things “Energy” Frequency Vibration”  .

Circuits numermical

  Nodal Analysis We have to find  V1 and V2 it by applying nodel analysis at two nodes  ?    Step 1:  first nodel analysis         ( (V1-20) /5)  +(V1/10) +((V1-V2) /10) =0            (2V1-40+V1+V1-V2) /10 =0             4V1-V2=40.....................(I)          Now,                 Step 2:   second nodel analysis       ((V2-V1) /10) + (V2/20) -4=0  (2V2-2V1+V2-80)/20=0  3V2 -2V1=80 ......................... (II)               Now equate equation (I) and(II)  to get  the value of V1  and  V2             ( -2V1+3V2=80) *1             ( 4V1- V2  =40) *3              ..............................                -2V1 +3V2 =80                12 V1 -3V2=120              .......................................                 10V1      =200                 V1    =20 V                and put the value of V1 in equation (I) to get the value of V2                      So,  V2 =40 V  

Natural Beauty

                        Trees 🌲🌳                             Trees reduce the urban heat island effect through evaporative cooling and reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches parking lots and buildings. This is especially true in areas with large impervious surfaces, such as parking lots of stores and industrial complexes.                        Keep Nature free from Pollution 1. keep the environment clean 2. Reduce the usage of your electrical appliances. 3. Drive your car less. 4. Reduce the usage of your wooden stove. 5. Maintain a healthy eco system. 6. Reduce usage of chemicals and pesticides. 7. Recycle the waste products. 8. Reduce carbon footprints. 9. Grow your food locally.llution